Points to Ponder Before Home Extension

Home Extensions Venus Bay

Are you finding it a bit of a squeeze to accommodate the needs of your growing family in your home? As property prices are ferociously rising day by day, choosing to renovate or extend a home is often a better option than buying another one. Buying property costs much more than the price of the house itself; extending also to agent fees, stamp duty, legal issues and so on.

Conversely, home extensions offer numerous advantages such as adding value to your home, saving you the further expense and stress of a move and allowing you and your family to remain in the area to which you’ve become attached.

However, extension projects can go wrong when people try to tackle them without enough knowledge or expertise. Unless you know a lot of about building, save yourself future expense and heartbreak by seeking out a trusted professional to carry out the work for you. However, there are a few other things you need to consider to get a great start on your house extension project in Melbourne. We take a look at some of them below:

      • Consider the feasibility. Before you get into the nitty gritty of your home extension project, make sure you have thoroughly assessed it in terms of functionality and feasibility. This includes factors such as the economics of the project; where you will reside during the process; the value this extension can add to your existing home versus the cost; understanding the laws dictating your project and whether there will be issues as a result of these.
      • Extend wisely: Try to work out the most efficient and practical ways to carry out your Home Extensions. For instance, you can slice up a larger sized bedroom to create two smaller bedrooms, but will the result be worth it? Will the rooms be large enough to be functional living spaces? You may also want to reassess the use of space throughout every area of your house and whether the overall plan might benefit from rearrangement, expansion or even in some cases reduction.
      • Take down the walls: Removing walls can be a good strategy for opening up a space and creating a sense of spaciousness and light. If you need dividers to define the area, you could consider using screens and large pieces of furniture instead. This also provides greater flexibility in terms of how you organize your space.

When looking for a skilled and qualified contractor with solid experience in the field of extension and landscaping in Melbourne, Northway building is a name you can rely on. Give us a call for further information today.